Featured on LensCulture Network Gallery

Salerno in spring 1981 after the earthquakeSalerno in spring 1981 after the earthquakeSalerno in spring 1981 after the earthquakeSalerno in spring 1981 after the earthquake

“Hi Heinz, – Congratulations on being one of the top photographers in our large, global community! How do we know this? Because you and your work have stood out from the crowd: your work appeared on our list of winners for international photography awards from respected organizations. We would like to invite you to join our new LensCulture Network where your global recognition can continue to expand and grow.”

“The LensCulture Network is our invitation-only community for exceptional photographers like yourself. Your work is now live on the LensCulture Network Gallery. You are among a select group of top photographers featured in our curated gallery.”

More about my project on LensCulture Network Gallery you will find here:

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