The Results of Hungry Photographers

The Results of Hungry Photographers

“There is not a lot of things better than that mouth-watering feeling when your food arrives at your table. For me, if a dish looks attractive it’s halfway there.
I went to the best source of information possible to our generation and typed in the words “meaning of food photography”. I don’t really know what I expected, because the answer was way more straight forward than I expected….”

“What I expected was some BS definition explaining how the “Hipster/Vegan” era captures their daily lifestyles by photographing their food and slapping on a pretty filter to add that dramatic effect. I’m not going to lie to you. I am also guilty of snapping some delicious pictures.
But it doesn’t matter what the definition of food photography really is. The point is that it’s still a form of art. While there are some people who just brag with their mad cooking skills and others really overestimate the attractiveness of their meals, there are a handful of creatives who can blow your mind with their food photography.”

Here are 10 photographs proving my point and showing the results of hungry photographers.” by Chanelle Els for Oh My Creative Soul